


All prices are in US Dollars. All hunts are one guide per one hunter unless otherwise noted. Camps are cabins and or tents. All meals, lodging, guides, horses (where applicable), skinning and salting of hides is included. Deposit and terms: ½ of total amount is due at the time of booking and final payment including GST tags and transportation is due January 1st of the year of hunt. Not included in the hunt price, GST, license tags, government royalties, RT transportation to camp 6000.00 (subject to change), Non-Hunter rates vary from $1,050.00 per day per person Horns, Cape and Meat flight $850-2500. All prices are subject to change.

Lorem Ipsum

Hunting Sheep

Stone Sheep

moose eating on mountain


elk walking in the woods mobile


mountain goat with sunset

Mountain Goat

Stone Sheep

moose eating on mountain


elk walking in the woods mobile


caribou in the field eating


mountain goat with sunset

Mountain Goat

British Columbia

Canadian Moose Aug 15 – Aug 31
2 brow tines or less

Base Price

7 Day Hunt 1×1
10 Day Hunt 1×1

Harvest fee on bulls with 3 brow tines or 10 points



Canadian Moose Sept 1 – Oct 31
3 brow tines or 10 points on 1 antler

Base Price

7 Day Hunt 1×1
10 Day Hunt 1×1


Elk, Mountain Goat, Mountain Caribou,
Mule Deer Horseback, Backpack

Base Price

1 species Hunt 10 Day


2×1 Goat 7 Day


1 Species Hunt 7 Day 1×1


1 Species Hunt 10 Day 1×1


Stone Sheep

$17,500 – 2022-2023
$72,500 – 2024

Grizzly Bear

Black Bear Spring 2×1




Base Price

Alaskan-Yukon Moose Hunt by Horseback or Boat

7 Day $28,500

Dall Sheep Hunt by Horseback, Boat, or Backpack

7 Day $28,500

Dall Sheep Hunt by Horseback, Boat or Backpack

7 Day $28,500


Base Price

Alaskan-Yukon Moose, Dall Sheep, Caribou – Yukon


Grizzly Bear

Black Bear – Yukon and BC



Elk, Caribou,


Moose – BC
Wolf – Yukon and BC
